Luc Mallet

Psychiatre et chercheur en neurosciences, professeur de psychiatrie à l'université Paris Est-Créteil.

Il a été Professeur Assistant au Département Universitaire de Psychiatrie à l'UPEC (Créteil) et à l'UPMC (Pitié-Salpêtrière) et a travaillé sur l'imagerie fonctionnelle au CEA. Après sa formation post-doctorale en psychologie expérimentale au CNRS, il est recruté à l'INSERM en 2004 puis promu directeur de recherche en 2009 pour étudier les aspects comportementaux de la stimulation cérébrale profonde chez l'homme, et développer des traitements innovants en psychiatrie.

Depuis 2008, il dirige l'équipe BEBG (Behavior, Emotion, Basal Ganglia) au sein du Brain Institute (ICM).

Il s'est également impliqué dans de nombreuses institutions visant à promouvoir la recherche en psychiatrie : la Fondation FondaMental, et le comité de pilotage du Labex Biopsy. Il est membre du comité exécutif du Congrès français de psychiatrie (CFP) et en a été le président en 2014.

Il est professeur associé à la Faculté de médecine de l'Université de Genève et directeur de la Fondation Fondamental Suisse depuis 2015. Il a reçu le Prix Marcel Dassault pour la recherche en santé mentale en 2013 et le Grand Prix Philippe et Maria Halphen de l'Académie française. of Sciences en 2015, récompensant ses travaux sur les dysfonctionnements cérébraux sous-jacents aux troubles obsessionnels compulsifs et le développement d'approches thérapeutiques multidisciplinaires innovantes.

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Les TOC : Troubles Obsessionnels Compulsifs
Définition, recherches en cours, prise en charge.

CovidOut, une application pour lutter contre l'anxiété
Interview de Luc Mallet sur RTS


(liste non exhaustive)


Étude de la cinétique per-effort des paramètres des gaz du sang veineux au cours d’un ultra-trail - Alves B, Mauvieux B, Besnard S, Lemarchand B, Mallet L, Jouffroy R.

The Sapap3-knockout mouse model manifests a spectrum of repetitive behaviours - Lamothe, H., Schreiweis, C., Mallet, L., & Burguiere, E.

Opportunities and challenges in meta‐analyses of oxidative and nitrosative stress markers in neuropsychiatric disorders - Oliveira, J., Maia, A., Lajnef, M., Mallet, L., Tamouza, R., Leboyer, M., & Oliveira‐Maia, A. J.


Deep Brain Stimulation for Refractory Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Towards an Individualized Approach. - Senova, S., Clair, A. H., Palfi, S., Yelnik, J., Domenech, P., & Mallet, L.

Stimulation du nerf vague dans le traitement de la dépression - Senova, S., Rabu, C., Beaumont, S., Michel, V., Palfi, S., Mallet, L., & Domenech, P.

A cross-species assessment of behavioral flexibility in compulsive disorders - Benzina, N., N’Diaye, K., Pelissolo, A., Mallet, L., & Burguière, E.

Personalised 360° video exposure therapy for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder: a proof-of-concept study. - Benzina, N, Morgiève M, Euvrard M, Flores Alves Dos Santos J, Pelissolo A, Mallet L.

Severe Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Secondary to Neurodegeneration With Brain Iron Accumulation: Complete Remission After Subthalamic Nuclei Deep Brain Stimulation - Senova, S., Mallet, L., Gurruchaga, J. M., Rabu, C., Derosin, M., Yelnik, J., … & Domenech, P.

NSE & S100B protein blood level assessment during a long-distance trail race - Jouffroy, R., Alves, B., Mauvieux, B., Mallet, L., Beaudeux, J. L., & Cottart, C. H. (2019, September).

Crazy’App: A web survey on representations and attitudes toward mental disorders using video testimonies - Morgiève, M., N’diaye, K., Nguyen-Khac, A., Mallet, L., & Briffault, X.

Trichotillomania is more related to Tourette disorder than to obsessive compulsive disorder - Lamothe H, Baleyte J-M, Mallet L, Pelissolo A.

Long-term effects of subthalamic stimulation in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Follow-up of a randomized controlled trial - Mallet, L., Du Montcel, S. T., Clair, A.-H., Arbus, C., Bardinet, E., Baup, N., Chabardès, S., Chéreau, I., Czernecki, V., Fontaine, D., Harika-Germaneau, G., Haynes, W. I., Houeto, J.-L., Jaafari, N., Krack, P., Millet, B., Navarro, S., Polosan, M., Pelissolo, A. and Welter, M.-L.

Oxidative and Nitrosative Stress Markers in Obsessive‐Compulsive Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis - Maia, A., Oliveira, J., Lajnef, M., Mallet, L., Tamouza, R., Leboyer, M. and Oliveira‐Maia, A. J.

Long-term effects of anterior pallidal deep brain stimulation for tourette’s syndrome - Welter, M.-L., Houeto, J.-L., Worbe, Y., Diallo, M. H., Hartmann, A., Tezenas du Montcel, S., Ansquer, S., Thobois, S., Fontaine, D., Rouaud, T., Cuny, E., Karachi, C. and Mallet, L.


Individualized Immunological Data for Precise Classification of OCD Patients. - Lamothe H, Baleyte J-M, Smith P, Pelissolo A, Mallet L.

Assessment of Metacognition and Reversal Learning in Parkinson’s Disease: Preliminary Results - Trenado C, Boschheidgen M, Rübenach J, N’Diaye K, Schnitzler A, Mallet L and Wojtecki L (2018)

Recent advances in deep brain stimulation in psychiatric disorders - Clair AH, Haynes W and Mallet L. .

Altered anatomical connections of associative and limbic cortico-basal-ganglia circuits in obsessive-compulsive disorder - Haynes WI, Clair AH, Fernadez-Vidal S, Gholipour, B, Morgiève M, Mallet L.

Efficacy and Safety of Deep Brain Stimulation in Tourette Syndrome: The International Tourette Syndrome Deep Brain Stimulation Public Database and Registry - Martinez-Ramirez, J. Jimenez-Shahed, J. F. Leckman, M. Porta, D. Servello, F.-G. Meng, J. Kuhn, D. Huys, J. C. Baldermann, T. Foltynie, M. I. Hariz, E. M. Joyce, L. Zrinzo, Z. Kefalopoulou, P. Silburn, T. Coyne, A. Y. Mogilner, M. H. Pourfar, S. M. Khandhar, M. Auyeung, J. L. Ostrem, V. Visser-Vandewalle, M.-L. Welter, L. Mallet, C. Karachi, J. L. Houeto, B. T. Klassen, L. Ackermans, T. Kaido, Y. Temel, R. E. Gross, H. C. Walker, A. M. Lozano, B. L. Walter, Z. Mari, W. S. Anderson, B. K. Changizi, E. Moro, S. E. Zauber, L. E. Schrock, J.-G. Zhang, W. Hu, K. Rizer, E. H. Monari, K. D. Foote, I. A. Malaty, W. Deeb, A. Gunduz, and M. S. Okun.


Anterior pallidal deep brain stimulation for Tourette’s syndrome: a double-blind randomised parallel controlled trial - Welter ML, Houeto JL, Thobois S, Bataille B, Guenot M, Worbe Y, Hartmann A, Czernecki V, Bardinet E, Yelnik J, Tezenas du Montcel S, Agid Y, Vidailhet M, Cornu P, Tanguy, A, Ansquer S, Jaafari, N, Poulet, E, Serra G, Burbaud, P, Cuny E, Aouizerate B, Pollak, P, Chabardes S, Polosan M, Borg M, Fontaine D, Giordana B, Raoul S, Rouaud T, Sauvaget A, Jalenques I, Karachi C, Mallet L.

Significant Need for a French Network of Expert Centers Enabling a Better Characterization and Management of Treatment-Resistant Depression - Yrondi, D. Bennabi, E. Haffen, M. Garnier, F. Bellivier, T. Bourgerol, V. Camus, T. D’Amato, O. Doumy, F. Haesebaert, J. Holtzmann, C. Lançon, P. Vignaud, F. Moliere, I. Nieto, R. M. M. Richieri, P. Domenech, C. Rabu, L. Mallet, L. Yon, L. Schmitt, F. Stephan, G. Vaiva, M. Walter, P.-M. M. Llorca, P. Courtet, M. Leboyer, W. El-Hage, and B. Aouizerate.

A case of bleach addiction associated with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder - Doukhan, R., Mallet, L., & Pelissolo, A.

Tackling the psychosocial maladjustment in Parkinson’s disease patients following subthalamic deep-brain stimulation: a randomised clinical trial - Flores Alves Dos Santos J, Tézenas du Montcel S, Gargiulo M, Behar C, Montel S, Hergueta T, Navarro S, Belaid H, Cloitre P, Karachi V, Mallet L, Welter M-L.


Cognitive Dysfunction in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - Benzina, N., Mallet, L., Burguière, E., N’Diaye, K., & Pelissolo, A.

Les interventions basées sur la pleine conscience dans le trouble obsessionnel compulsif: mécanismes d’action et présentation d’une étude pilote - Gasnier, M., Pelissolo, A., Bondolfi, G., Pelissolo, S., Tomba, M., Mallet, L., & N’diaye, K.

Le trouble obsessionnel compulsif vu par ceux qui y sont confrontés: enquête auprès de patients, de proches et de cliniciens - Morgiève M., N’Diaye K., Fernandez-Vidal S., Clair A.-H., & Mallet L.

Can the efficacy of behavioral and cognitive therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder be augmented by innovative computerized adjuvant? - Morgiève M, N’Diaye K, Clair A.H., Pelissolo A, and Mallet L.

The International Deep Brain Stimulation Registry and Database for Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome: How Does It Work? - Deeb, P. J. Rossi, M. Porta, V. Visser-Vandewalle, D. Servello, P. Silburn, T. Coyne, J. F. Leckman, T. Foltynie, M. Hariz, E. M. Joyce, L. Zrinzo, Z. Kefalopoulou, M.-L. Welter, C. Karachi, L. Mallet, J.-L. Houeto, J. Shahed-Jimenez, F.-G. Meng, B. T. Klassen, A. Y. Mogilner, M. H. Pourfar, J. Kuhn, L. Ackermans, T. Kaido, Y. Temel, R. E. Gross, H. C. Walker, A. M. Lozano, S. M. Khandhar, B. L. Walter, E. Walter, Z. Mari, B. K. Changizi, E. Moro, J. C. Baldermann, D. Huys, S. E. Zauber, L. E. Schrock, J.-G. Zhang, W. Hu, K. D. Foote, K. Rizer, J. W. Mink, D. W. Woods, A. Gunduz, and M. S. Okun.


Obsessive-compulsive disorders and anxiety disorders: A comparison of personality and emotionality patterns - Pelissolo A, Moukheiber A, Mallet L.

Deep Brain Stimulation for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Meta-Analysis of Treatment Outcome and Predictors of Response - Alonso P, Cuadras D, Gabriëls L, Denys D, Goodman W, Greenberg BD, Jiménez-Ponce F, Kuhn J, Lenartz D, Mallet L, Nuttin B, Real E, Segalàs C, Schuurman R, Tézenas du Montcel S, Menchon JM.

AM: Striatal circuits, habits, and implications for obsessive-compulsive disorder - Burguière E, Monteiro P, Mallet L, Feng G, Graybiel.

Deep brain stimulation: new targets and new indications - Bally J, Lüscher C, Berney A, Mallet L, Pollak P, Santos J.


Optimal target localisation for subthalamic stimulation in Parkinson’s disease patients - Welter M-L, Schupbach M, Czernecki V, Karachi C, Fernandez-Vidal S, Golmard J-L, Serra G, Navarro S, Welaratne A, Hartmann A, Mesnage V, Pineau F, Cornu P, Pidoux B, Worbe Y, Zikos P, Grabli D, Galanaud D, Bonnet A-M, Belaid H, Dormont D, Vidailhet M, Mallet L, Houeto J-L, Bardinet E, Yelnik J, Agid Y.

Psychiatry in 2030 - Dervaux A, Falissard B, Grohens M, Limosin F, Mercuel A, Triantafyllou M, Vidon G, Mallet L, Plaze M, Laqueille X, Bocher R.


Dynamics of psychotherapy-related cerebral haemodynamic changes in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder using a personalised exposure task in fMRI - Morgiève M*, N’Diaye*, Haynes WIA, Granger B, Clair A-H, Pelissolo A, Mallet L.

Synthèse : Le Trouble Obsessionnel Compulsif - Flores Alves dos Santos J, Mallet L.

OCD: when limbic systems start looping… - Flores Alves dos Santos J, Mallet L.

Neuronal activity correlated with checking behaviour in the subthalamic nucleus of OCD patients - Burbaud P, Clair AH, Langbour N, Fernandez-Vidal S, Goillandeau M, Michelet T, Bardinet E, Chéreau I, Durif F, Polosan M, Chabardès S, Fontaine D, Magnié-Mauro MN, Houeto JL, Bataille B, Millet B, Vérin M, Baup N, Krebs MO, Cornu P, Pelissolo A, Arbus C, Simonetta-Moreau M, Yelnik J, Welter ML, Mallet L.



Six questions on the subthalamic nucleus: lessons from animal models and from stimulated patients - Baunez C, Yelnik J, Mallet L.

Treating addictions with deep brain stimulation is premature but well-controlled clinical trials should be performed - Vorspan F, Mallet L, Corvol JC, Pelissolo A, Lepine JP.

A video Clinical Global Impression (CGI) in obsessive compulsive disorder - Bourredjem A, Pelissolo A, Rotge JY, Jaafari N, Machefaux S, Quentin S, Bui E, Bruno N, Pochon JB, Polosan M, Baup N, Papetti F, Chereau I, Arbus C, Mallet L, du Montcel ST.

Basal ganglia dysfunction in OCD: subthalamic neuronal activity correlates with symptoms severity and predicts high-frequency stimulation efficacy - Welter ML, Burbaud P, Fernandez-Vidal S, Bardinet E, Coste J, Piallat B, Borg M, Besnard S, Sauleau P, Devaux B, Pidoux B, Chaynes P, Tezenas du Montcel S, Bastian A, Langbour N, Teillant A, Haynes W, Yelnik J, Karachi C, Mallet L.


Decrease of prefrontal metabolism after subthalamic stimulation in obsessive-compulsive disorder: a positron emission tomography study - Le Jeune F, Verin M, N’Diaye K, Drapier D, Leray E, Du Montcel ST, Baup N, Pelissolo A, Polosan M, Mallet L, Yelnik J, Devaux B, Fontaine D, Chereau I, Bourguignon A, Peron J, Sauleau P, Raoul S, Garin E, Krebs MO, Jaafari N, Millet B.

Repetitive behaviours in patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome: tics, compulsions, or both? - Worbe Y, Mallet L, Golmard JL, Behar C, Durif F, Jalenques I, Damier P, Derkinderen P, Pollak P, Anheim M, Broussolle E, Xie J, Mesnage V, Mondon K, Viallet F, Jedynak P, Ben Djebara M, Schupbach M, Pelissolo A, Vidailhet M, Agid Y, Houeto JL, Hartmann A.

High-frequency stimulation of deep brain structures in obsessive-compulsive disorder: the search for a valid circuit - Haynes WIA, Mallet L.


Distinct striatal targets in treating obsessive-compulsive disorder and major depression - Aouizerate B, Cuny E, Bardinet E, Yelnik J, Martin-Guehl C, Rotge JY, Rougier A, Bioulac B, Tignol J, Mallet L, Burbaud P, Guehl D.

A Multitracer Dopaminergic PET Study of Young-Onset Parkinsonian Patients With and Without Parkin Gene Mutations - Ribeiro MJ, Thobois S, Lohmann E, du Montcel ST, Lesage S, Pelissolo A, Dubois B, Mallet L, Pollak P, Agid Y, Broussolle E, Brice A, Remy P.

A multidisciplinary study of patients with early-onset PD with and without parkin mutations - Lohmann E, Thobois S, Lesage S, Broussolle E, du Montcel ST, Ribeiro MJ, Remy P, Pelissolo A, Dubois B, Mallet L, Pollak P, Agid Y, Brice A.


Subthalamic nucleus stimulation in severe obsessive-compulsive disorder - Mallet L, Polosan M, Jaafari N, Baup N, Welter ML, Fontaine D, du Montcel ST, Yelnik J, Chereau I, Arbus C, Raoul S, Aouizerate B, Damier P, Chabardes S, Czernecki V, Ardouin C, Krebs MO, Bardinet E, Chaynes P, Burbaud P, Cornu P, Derost P, Bougerol T, Bataille B, Mattei V, Dormont D, Devaux B, Verin M, Houeto JL, Pollak P, Benabid AL, Agid Y, Krack P, Millet B, Pelissolo A.

A challenging task for assessment of checking behaviors in obsessive-compulsive disorder - Rotge JY, Clair AH, Jaafari N, Hantouche EG, Pelissolo A, Goillandeau M, Pochon JB, Guehl D, Bioulac B, Burbaud P, Tignol J, Mallet L, Aouizerate B.

Internal pallidal and thalamic stimulation in patients with Tourette syndrome - Welter ML*, Mallet L*, Houeto JL, Karachi C, Czernecki V, Cornu P, Navarro S, Pidoux B, Dormont D, Bardinet E, Yelnik J, Damier P, Agid Y.


Pseudo-dementia conversion and post-traumatic stress disorder - Montefiore D, Mallet L, Levy R, Allilaire JF, Pelissolo A.

Stimulation of subterritories of the subthalamic nucleus reveals its role in the integration of the emotional and motor aspects of behavior - Mallet L, Schupbach M, N’Diaye K, Remy P, Bardinet E, Czernecki V, Welter ML, Pelissolo A, Ruberg M, Agid Y, Yelnik J.

Neurosurgery at an earlier stage of Parkinson disease: a randomized, controlled trial - Schupbach WM, Maltete D, Houeto JL, du Montcel ST, Mallet L, Welter ML, Gargiulo M, Behar C, Bonnet AM, Czernecki V, Pidoux B, Navarro S, Dormont D, Cornu P, Agid Y.

Mortality in patients with Parkinson’s disease treated by stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus - Schupbach MW, Welter ML, Bonnet AM, Elbaz A, Grossardt BR, Mesnage V, Houeto JL, Maltete D, Mallet L, Rocca WA, Mallet A, Agid Y.

Therapeutic management of tics in Tourette’s syndrome - Diallo R, Welter ML, Mallet L.


Pathological gambling in Parkinson’s disease improves on chronic subthalamic nucleus stimulation - Ardouin C, Voon V, Worbe Y, Abouazar N, Czernecki V, Hosseini H, Pelissolo A, Moro E, Lhommee E, Lang AE, Agid Y, Benabid AL, Pollak P, Mallet L, Krack P.

Neurosurgery in Parkinson disease: a distressed mind in a repaired body? - Schupbach M, Gargiulo M, Welter ML, Mallet L, Behar C, Houeto JL, Maltete D, Mesnage V, Agid Y.

- Houeto JL, Mallet L, Mesnage V, Tezenas du Montcel S, Behar C, Gargiulo M, Torny F, Pelissolo A, Welter ML, Agid Y.

Profound cerebral stimulation: its usefulness for the therapeutic modulation of behavior and emotions - Mallet L.

Neurosurgery in Parkinson’s disease: the doctor is happy, the patient less so? - Agid Y, Schupbach M, Gargiulo M, Mallet L, Houeto JL, Behar C, Maltete D, Mesnage V, Welter ML.


Tourette’s syndrome and deep brain stimulation - Houeto JL, Karachi C, Mallet L, Pillon B, Yelnik J, Mesnage V, Welter ML, Navarro S, Pelissolo A, Damier P, Pidoux B, Dormont D, Cornu P, Agid Y.

Bipolar symptoms, frontal lobe symptoms - Mallet L.

Stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson’s disease: a 5 year follow up - Schupbach WM, Chastan N, Welter ML, Houeto JL, Mesnage V, Bonnet AM, Czernecki V, Maltete D, Hartmann A, Mallet L, Pidoux B, Dormont D, Navarro S, Cornu P, Mallet A, Agid Y.

The Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised (TCI-R): psychometric characteristics of the French version - Pelissolo A, Mallet L, Baleyte JM, Michel G, Cloninger CR, Allilaire JF, Jouvent R.


Subthalamic DBS replaces levodopa in Parkinson’s disease: two-year follow-up - Houeto JL, Mesnage V, Welter ML, Mallet L, Agid Y, Bejjani BP.


Compulsions, Parkinson’s disease, and stimulation - Mallet L, Mesnage V, Houeto JL, Pelissolo A, Yelnik J, Behar C, Gargiulo M, Welter ML, Bonnet AM, Pillon B, Cornu P, Dormont D, Pidoux B, Allilaire JF, Agid Y.

Behavioural disorders, Parkinson’s disease and subthalamic stimulation - Houeto JL, Mesnage V, Mallet L, Pillon B, Gargiulo M, du Moncel ST, Bonnet AM, Pidoux B, Dormont D, Cornu P, Agid Y.


Cerebral gray and white matter reductions and clinical correlates in patients with early onset schizophrenia - Paillere-Martinot M, Caclin A, Artiges E, Poline JB, Joliot M, Mallet L, Recasens C, Attar-Levy D, Martinot JL.

Extrastriatal and striatal D(2) dopamine receptor blockade with haloperidol or new antipsychotic drugs in patients with schizophrenia - Xiberas X, Martinot JL, Mallet L, Artiges E, Loc HC, Maziere B, Paillere-Martinot ML.

In vivo extrastriatal and striatal D2 dopamine receptor blockade by amisulpride in schizophrenia - Xiberas X, Martinot JL, Mallet L, Artiges E, Canal M, Loc’h C, Maziere B, Paillere-Martinot ML.

Focused Principal Component Analysis : A promising approach for confirming findings of exploratory analyses ? - Falissard B, Corruble E, Mallet L, Hardy P.